Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tim Pawlenty -- Good riddance

I'm already completely sick and tired of all these stupid articles about Tim Pawlenty. As I said yesterday, his campaign was doomed after placing a distant third in the Ames Straw Poll. And of course, today, he dropped out in humiliated defeat. But there are a million articles about it, many claiming his exit "changes the landscape" of the race for the GOP nomination. The guy was polling 2-3% nationally! His entire campaign was a creation of the media, who desperately wanted a phony-baloney, principle free candidate to ascend to prominence.

The simple fact is, the clown has absolutely zero to offer, and thankfully, voters saw through his say anything to get elected facade. So he drops out, and his tiny percentage of the vote gets absorbed into the margin of error. He meant nothing, and his exit means nothing.

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