Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ron Paul birthday money bomb brings in $1.6 million, media completely ignores it

Wow, things are getting ridiculous. Ron Paul's ability to bring in at least a million dollars on any given day, which used to be newsworthy, is now being ignored just like his straw poll victory in Ames. I've been keeping an eye on Google News, and so far there have only been a handful of reports on his birthday money bomb, of all them by minor blogs. Not a single mention has been made in any major news site. Amazing. Even better, hackers temporarily took down his campaign site in the middle of the donation drive, and even that fact is not enough to merit mention, apparently.

So, yeah, things are getting pretty damn blatant these days. I just keep crossing my fingers hoping Paul can come in a solid second in a poll somewhere. I'm not quite ready to hope for first, but if he could place second it would be hard to ignore him. I do think Bachmann is already fading with the arrival of Rick Perry. We need a new poll to see how the aftermath of the Iowa straw poll is playing out.

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