Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Gallup Poll shows Ron Paul in 3rd overall, leading amongst the kids

Okay, Gallup just released their August poll results for the GOP primary contest, and Ron Paul came in a solid third place with 13% of the vote. This lines up with a few other polls that are now showing him in the low teens.

But what is, to me, astonishing about this poll is how well Ron Paul is doing in the 18-29 age bracket. He's got a whopping 29% of the vote in that age range! That is amazing! He really incredibly popular with the college set, but I had no idea it was that extreme. The bad part, however, is that he is only polling at 4% in the 65+ age group, and those are the ones who are most likely to vote in both the primaries and the general election. So it's quite frustrating. It's just the old people are traditionalists, set in their ways and unwilling to even consider alternatives.

Still, this bodes well for the libertarian movement; if the youngest voters don't change their beliefs and turn into standard issue crusty conservatives, we could potentially see a generational shift in the Republican party, or even better, a strong third party. Only time will tell. For now, I'm glad to see Ron Paul proving the media wrong, and appearing as a clear top tier candidate.

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