Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gary Johnson is BACK baby!

It was just announced today that Gary Johnson will be in Thursday's Fox/Google Republican presidential debate. I'm thrilled. Of course the chattering class is spouting off about how "oh no less time for other candidates" except of course for Rick Perry and Mitt Romney who get infinite unlimited rebuttals on tap. I hope he cuts into those two phonies' times, and Ron Paul still gets plenty of time to talk as well. It's a one-two punch for liberty! I don't know if Johnson has a chance, but having two people saying very similar libertarian-flavored things will help to demarginalize both of them even more. The more people talking about it, the better. Here's hoping Johnson eclipses his poor performance in May, and is able to continue being included in future debates. Maybe Santorum or Huntsman will drop out soon and free up more real estate.