Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ron Paul looking good

Well, according to two recent polls by CNN and Gallup, Ron Paul is in 2nd place amongst likely candidates, with 10-12% of the vote. That's a far cry from his performance at this time in 2007. The legacy journalists keep trying to pretend he's not right up there, but it's a pathetic and failing effort. The main issue is that GOP establishment insiders don't like him, so the media doesn't think he has a chance. But this year, there is an unprecedented disconnect between who is leading in the popular polls versus who the GOP big wigs like. Palin, Paul, Gingrich, and Cain are not supported by the elites, and idiots like Pawlenty and Huntsman, worthless middle of the roaders, are at the bottom of the polls. I think the Internet is the big difference. It's become a bigger and bigger influence each cycle, and it's so huge now. People don't need to stare at the TV or read the newspaper and be told what to think. They're saying what they think and finding their own information. It's awesome.

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